Regression Results
If you want to export a regression, just use esttab
. Seriously, it’ll do anything, and has great help files.
Custom tables
Custom tables can be trickier in Stata. I usually put things into a matrix, then output the matrix with outtable
. Not always the best looking, but they work!
Here’s an example that makes a 3 row 4 column matrix of beta estimates for different dependent and independent variables.
local columns = 4
local independent_vars y1 y2 y3 y4
local rows = 3
local dependent_vars var1 var2 var3
matrix results = J(`rows', `columns', 0)
local c = 1
foreach oucome in `independent_vars' {
local colnames = "`colnames'
local r = 1 foreach variable in `my_vars' { if `r' == 1 { local rownames = "`rownames' name_for_this_row"
} reg `outcome' `variable' `control'
* Store beta value matrix results[`r, `c']=_b[`variable']
* Update row number
local r = `r' + 1
* Update column number
local c = `c' + 1 } * Export results matrix rownames results= `rownames' matrix colnames results= `colnames' matrix list results outtable using /path/for/results, mat(results) replace ///
format(%9.3f) /// caption("your caption here") /// clabel(latex_label_here)
Simple Statistics
* First, calculate a statistic and store in a macro.
sum var1, d
local statistic = r(max)
* Then use this code to set the formatting.
* This says "show it with 2 decimal places."
* Display lets you check it.
local cleaned_statistic: display %9.2f `statistic'
display "`cleaned_statistic'"
* Write to disk.
* This syntax looks odd, but what it's doing is creating
* a "handle" to a file, writing to that handle,
* then closing the file when done.
file open myfile using /path/to/results/statistic.tex, ///
write text replace
file write myfile "`cleaned_statistic'"
file close myfile
Then in LaTeX, we just integrate with the \input{}
Further, the variable achieves a maximum value of \input{/path/to/results/statistic.tex}, much lower than perhaps we had thought!